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Our Mission
To inspire more love for Jesus

Education - through knowing Christ's worth
Community - through cherishing Christ's family
Mercy - through sharing Christ's compassion

Our Vision
To become a Spirit-filled family of God that sanely lives in the reality of Jesus' kingship over the world.

Brief Explanation

The gospel — the good news of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection for us — births eternal life, nourishes daily life, and flourishes all of life. So our mission (what we do) is to help deepen peoples' appreciation of Jesus through education, community, and mercy. Our vision (where we're headed) is to become who the Holy Spirit says we already are: adopted children of God being prepared to rule with Christ over His in-breaking kingdom. To live otherwise (e.g., selfishly as if we're poor) would be insanity.




Being born again in our secular age requires learning how to live an enchanted life again as a child of God. So by the power of the Spirit, we grow in the knowledge of Christ who makes us more attune to the benevolence of God and the giftedness of life.

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We call this our Field of Dreams


Sunday Worship

Sunday Worship

Everyone begins here with Christ-centered praise, liturgy, sermons, and communion. It's all about inspiring more love for Jesus. 


Theology 101

Theology 101

"Do gay people really go to hell for being gay?" "Isn't God a cosmic child abuser for sacrificing his Son?" These are questions addressed in Theology 101, an effective vaccine against secularism.


Bible 101

Bible 101

After giving a grand tour of the strange new world of the Bible, this course shows how every page of the Bible is ultimately about Jesus.


Discipleship 101

It's spiritual adulting class for those who struggle with experiencing God on a daily basis.  

Discipleship 101


Mercy 101

It's about learning to be the hands and feet of Christ while growing his heart.

Mercy 101



Blood is thicker than water, and Christ's blood is thicker than that. So we grow in Jesus' love for his family that is characterized by a remarkable commitment to one another. In that way, we testify to the truth of God's adoption of us.

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As the Good Samaritan did for us, we do for others.

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